Controlled Remove Viewing across time and space

Expand Your Possibilities

The human mind is an amazing thing, capable of more than we can even imagine. Consciousness studies and other research is now revealing some of the things the human mind can do. One of those things was descovered and used by the U.S. government to keep track of missing soldiers, gain information that would prevent or shorten warfare, help establish peace in negotations, etc. A method for doing that was developed at Stanford Research Institute International and used by the U.S. for almost a half century, and is now available to the civilian world. That method is called
Controlled Remote Viewing

Controlled Remote Viewing is a highly organized set of physical/mental protocols which allow a person to bring knowledge that lies hidden within the subconscious mind to the surface, and report it. It is often called the "Martial art of the mind". The protocols also keep the information "clean" of pollution from the imagination, emotions, desires, fears, and other contaminants which lie closer to the surface of a person's conscious awareness, and which would tend to "color" them incorrectly.

Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) training, from its very inception for the U.S. military, was designed to make a clear connection with your subconscious mind. This connection allows the information to surface so it can be accurately interpreted and applied to practical matters. It is this practical application that gives you the opportunity to use your deepest intuitive knowledge to enhance your own life and the lives of others.

Lyn Buchanan was trainer for the U.S. military unit and now, Problems>Solutions>Innovations (P>S>I) provides a full range of training which will train you to understand and use the CRV protocols. Additionally, we offer training which will take you to the level of being able to apply this knowledge to solve real-world problems for yourself, your family, the police, your business, your finances, and other real-life problems.


We have moved to on-line training, replacing our tightly scheduled 3 day courses with self-paced video instruction accompanied by recorded weekly face-to-face time with your instrucor. You have permanent access to the videos and recordings. While the cost of the educational platform raises tuition for the courses a small amount, it saves the costs of travel, lodging, and time off from your work. The result is that the overall cost of the training is greatly reduced, and you can also now learn at your own pace instead of having only 3 days to pack it all in.

Why Take A Course?'

We presently offer on-line training courses in:
    Associative Remote Viewing (ARV): $497
    Basic Level Controlled Remote Viewing: $1,197
    *Intermediate Controlled Remote Viewing: $1,197
    *Advanced Controlled Remote Viewing: $1,197
    * (admittance to these courses requires completion of the previous course from a >>qualified<< Controlled Remote Viewing trainer.)
All courses offer permanent access to the training lessons, the webinars,
Q&A, group meetings, blogs, etc.- no term limits and then pay again, etc.

For more information about these courses, visit our on-line course site, here
If you have already signed up for a course and want to log in from here, click here

Future courses:
    Monitor's course
    Analyst's course
    Project Manager's course
    Database Manager's coure
    Special applications courses to include:
        Medical applications
        Police and military applications
        Business applications
        R&D applications
        Applications for creative solutions/inventions/etc.
        Historic and informational applications
        Social and psychological applications
        Predictive situational, event, preparation, and results applications
           (Applications such as betting, lottery, stock market, crypto,
           and other multiple-choice possibilities are already covered
           in the ARV course.)