
Waffling is an attempt to redefine the viewer's findings in order to make them fit the feedback. In practice, it is often any reaction to the feedback which begins with the word, "Well..".
EXAMPLE: In session, a viewer reported, "The criminal is driving a yellow car." The feedback shows that the criminal was riding in the back of an unpainted hay-wagon. The viewer replies, "Well… yeah! When I said car, I meant a vehicle of some kind, and when I said it was yellow, I was no doubt seeing the hay. So, really, I got it right!"
The practice of waffling not only cheapens the results, but does so in such a shallow manner as to rob the viewer of the respect of his/her peers, and of him/herself, as well.
The tendency for waffling is much less common among trained CRVers than their counterparts in other mthodologies, or with other psychic practitioners. The reason for this is that CRV training stresses that there are many things the viewer cannot learn by by succeeding. Some things can only be learned by failing. Therefore, the CRV student learns to admit failures, and to use them as learning tools. Usually, the people associated with the viewer are more guilty of waffling than the viewer is. The viewer will normally want to know when he/she got something wrong, and try to figure out why, and will therefore tend to be harder in the judging of his/her own results than other people will. The Viewer may not always voice his/her displeasure, but will almost certainly feel deeply offended by another person's attempt to cover up mistakes by waffling the findings. If you care about your viewer(s), do not make this social faux pas. A good viewer never appreciates waffling as much as an honest appraisal.
If, however, a vieweror psychic has grown accustomed to waffling, and is content to believing his/her own excuses, you are better off not using that viewer again.
If you are a viewer and find yourself having to work with people (or even a single person) who is prone to waffling on the results, it is strongly in your best interest to take that person (those people) to task about it. If the people with whom a you work continue to waffle on the results, you are better off not working for or associating with them again, as your reputation will suffer as they damage their own.