The Controlled Remote Viewing Monitor's Course

The Monitor's course trains a person to act as an interface between
the Controlled Remote Viewer and the "outside world."
This training is strongly advised for organization-sponsored
The CRV Monitor's Course is for those people who will become
professional monitors, as well as those who want to monitor for
a friend, spouse, or other viewer(s). It covers the monitoring
process in great depth and detail. For those who have already had
CRV viewer training through advanced, it acts as a
professionalization course. If you will be working with a single
viewer, attendance with that viewer is required, either for the
monitoring course, or as they take one of the viewer's courses.
Corporations or agencies which want a full-time, non-viewing
monitor to work with a group of in-house viewers must be willing
to send at least one of their viewers with whom the monitor
student will train.
Topics Covered:
Theory and Structure of the CRV Process:
In-session events provide opportunities for information collection by the monitor which will almost inevitably be missed by the viewer working alone. The monitor is trained to recognize and use these opportunities to further the information-gathering process.
As the Remote Viewer works, he/she will evidence certain "micromovements" during the course of a session. Many of these are involuntary expressions of the Autonomic Nervous System indicating inner conflict, relief, or other signals of internal processes. The Monitor is trained to pick these micromovements out from general restlessness or other random movements, and understand what they mean. In this way, it becomes possible for the Monitor to watch for micromovements which indicate strong (or weak) contact with the target site, and to thereby perform in-session evaluation of the validity of the Viewer's individual perceptions.
Conduct and Standardized Procedures of the CRV Session:
The monitor student is trained in methods to "keep the viewer and the session on track." Incorrect monitor conduct can damage a viewer's ability to perform at peak efficiency. The monitor must know how to structure, guide and manipulate the session without adversely affecting the viewer, the process, or the information. After every practice session, the monitor's conduct and strategies are reviewed and critiqued to give immediate feedback.
Proper Tasking - What to Accept and Not to Accept:
The CRV process is most effective when the viewer is kept isolated from the tasking information. The monitor must be aware of what kinds of tasking will harm the product, as well as how to handle situations where such problems occur.
What To Do When Things Go Wrong:
Possible problems and how to handle and document them are covered in depth. A problem hot-line to P>S>I is provided.
How to Handle Session Visitors / Onlookers:
Any visitor to a session must be properly briefed before the session and controlled during it. This is especially so in such cases where the onlooker is a distraught parent or other individual personally involved in the tasking. Proper handling of non-viewing persons in the RV session, while at the same time, meeting the viewer's needs, can attain the status of an art-form.
The Monitor's Responsibilities for Proper Reporting:
Corruption of otherwise valid information during the reporting process has negated the benefits of many a session. Such corruption can be quite subtle in nature. Mastery of proper reporting techniques is an absolute requirement for the monitor.