The Project Report Writing Course

One of the most important parts of the remote viewing process is
the presentation of the information to those who need/can use it.
The number of times when good information has been ignored or
thrown into the trash because of the wrong presentation, is
This is an in-depth course in the presentation of remote viewing
material in such a way that it will be considered and used,
rather than being considered as "crazy psychic stuff" and tossed.
More than for consideration, though, this course teaches the
report writer how to present the information in a way that is
so professional that it will meet the needs of any business,
scientific organization, or any other professional, governmental
or other customer.
Topics Covered:
Reporting formats
The format of a remote viewing report must meet the needs of the customer. Therefore, the report writer must be able to find out and follow the customer's individual formats.
Reporting terminology
The information also needs to be presented in the customer's language, and the report writer is therefore required to be able to write the report to be readable by the customer. The report writer is trained in ways to work with the customer in order to access and use the customer's particular jargon correctly.
The use of necessary equipment:
As obvious as it may sound, report writing requires the use of such equipment as a word processor, printer, fax, internet file transfer, graphics programming, a scanner, an optical character reader, and other programs and equipment as necessary. This course includes instruction in the use of such programs and equipment.
Most writers do not use spell checkers, grammar checkers, or other means to make their final product as professional as possible. This course therefore includes full instruction on the use of these tools. -
Working with the other members of the remote viewing team:
A report writer cannot just write up the information according to personal interpretation of what is given to him/her. A full understanding of its meanings and intricacies is necessary in order to make the report coherent and correct. The report writer student is taught to consult with the other members of a remote viewing team in order to fully understand the material.
The proper use of graphics:
Graphics are an integral part of the remote viewing process and will require the proper presentation. In addition, other graphical material will often be used to make the report suitable to the customer, such as company logos, the presentation of background information, cover pages, etc. An untrained person will often over- or under-do graphics, will place graphics incorrectly, and can easily make a report non-informative or unpleasant in the process. The proper and constructive use of graphics is covered in this course.