Mel Riley

Melvin (Mel) Riley is now associated with P>S>I as a viewer,
monitor and technical advisor. Mel may also be teaching
certain new post graduate courses that P>S>I may offer.
As a youth, Mel found himself experiencing visions of being part
of a Native American village in a previous time. During his
visions, he was given "wisdom" by his Native American brothers
and sisters. These visions were so vivid that Mel describes them
as bi-locational experiences. Mel is the only non-Native American
heritage person to be given the honor of being accepted as a
Medicine Man of the Native American people. He has been given
his own medicine pouch to be used in times of need.
Mel's original assignment in the military was that of an imagery
interpreter. As an aerial observer, his job was to ride in airplanes,
looking out the window, telling the crew when to turn the cameras
on and off for intelligence gathering. Mel had the intuitive
knack for getting the right information at the right time. He
then graduated to work as an image interpreter specialist for
the US military's "spy in the sky", U2, SR71, and other aerial
surveillance programs.
During the early 1970's, the US military effort learned that the
Russians had a "psychic spying" program, which had two specific
and undeniable aspects: 1) it worked very well for them, and 2)
we had no defense against it.
Because of this potential threat, a special project, code named
Scanate, was set up to identify and enlist the aid of people
within the US military who had talents along these lines. The
purpose was to have them spy on US targets, to test and document
whether or not it could be done with any accuracy. Dummy psychological
tests were set up to identify such people.
Mel's introduction into this process happened when an agent on the
ground had taken a picture of a piece of military machinery that was
completely covered by canvas. Mel told his comrades that he could
draw what was under the canvas. He proceeded to draw what he
pictured and in his terms, the feedback he received was, "It
totally freaked them out". Immediately thereafter, Mel was asked
to go to Ft. Meade by Col. D. Press. There he met "Skip" Atwater,
who had devised the dummy testing, and who at the time, ran
Project Scanate.
Mel Riley was identified as perfect for the program, and became the
U.S. Government's first official remote viewer. Five other people
were identified and enlisted for the project, which proved to have
an accuracy rate high enough to qualify it as a very necessary
intelligence-gathering tool. From Project Scanate, a new project
was started, code named Gondola Wish. It was this project which
began using "psychic spying" in actual, real-world tasking, on
foreign military and political targets.
Work during the unit's early years was developmental as well as
operational. Mel's work played a huge role in developing policies,
standards and techniques around which the government's "psychic
spying" or "remote viewing" program was later based. He also
participated in a scientific research program the US had going
on the West Coast with Stanford Research International, to work
with Drs. Hal Puthoff, Russell Targ and Charles Tart.
Mel then went on with his military career, resuming his photo
interpreter position and becoming a First Sergeant in a "rapid
deployment" unit. Then, in 1986, he returned to the remote viewing
unit. He was the only person assigned to the unit twice. During
his assignments, he worked as Viewer, Project Officer, Monitor,
and Analyst.
From there, he retired in 1990. He and his wife, Edith, settled
in Scandinavia, Wisconsin, where he became the Director of the
New London Public Museum, specializing in Native American
folklore. He also continued to do private remote viewing work
for special projects conducted by other ex-military members
of the unit. Mel kept an on-going relationship with Lyn Buchanan
during this time and decided in 2001 that the time was right
to end his job at the museum and join Problems>Solutions>Innovations
on a full-time basis.
Mel believes the future of remote viewing is in the discipline of
Controlled Remote Viewing - the highly structured, researched,
documented and proven method used by the US military. He also
believes his work at P>S>I may help solve some of the problems
that Mankind faces today. For the first time, Mel Riley is
admitting that he is what is termed a "natural". Mel is glad
to be back in the everyday world of remote viewing and P>S>I
is excited and overjoyed to have him.