The Controlled Remote Viewing Analyst's Course

The Analyst's course trains a person to better read and understand the information gained during the remote viewing process. It also includes reporting procedures. The CRV Analyst's course is generally limited to people who have already taken the CRV Monitor's course. If the Analyst course student has not taken the Monitor's course, this course is necessarily lengthened to cover the features of the Monitor's course.
Topics Covered:
Controlled Remote Viewing's structure:
The Analyst is made intimately familiar with the structure used in Controlled Remote Viewing sessions. The detection and meaning of the various "out of structure" conditions is stressed.
Data separation and reorganization:
It is the nature of the remote viewing session that information about any one aspect of the site will appear in bits and pieces, interspersed with information about other target aspects. The Analyst is taught to separate the data from a session transcript and then reassemble it into a more meaningful structure for proper analysis.
Analogy and imagery transference - Its meaning and
The normal remote viewing session is rife with situations where a viewer has either used allegory, analogy or fantasy to attach correct descriptions to incorrect objects. The Analyst is trained to recognize these conditions and to pull the correct information away from the incorrect setting.
Database usage:
A properly run Controlled Remote Viewing program maintains detailed information on a Viewer's strengths and weaknesses. The Analyst is trained in the method of quickly and efficiently accessing the Viewer's data to help in the analysis and reporting processes.
Tasker/Viewer interface:
There are times when the Analyst must consult with the tasker for interpretations. The Analyst is trained to do so in a controlled methodology which will not contaminate reporting and/or future sessions. Proper documentation of such transactions is also taught.
The task of generating the final report usually falls to the Analyst. Even if another person acts as the report writer, the analyst formats the information in such a way that it is prepared for the report. The analyst also acts as consultant to the report writer. The report, most often, will be formatted in such a way that the customer will be able to present it as one of the company's normal reports, with information gained via normal means. The Analyst is trained in this course on proper reporting procedures to include format, content, presentation and style.
Each student for the CRV Analyst's course is required to have completed the Viewer's training. Experience has shown that an analyst cannot fully understand the process until having experienced it. It is most desirable that the student for this course bring along as much work as possible from those viewers for whom he/she will be performing analysis.