The Intermediate Controlled Remote Viewing Course

Topics Covered:
Moving what you've learned to applications:
The Intermediate CRV course takes what the viewer learned and practiced from the basic course and teaches how to apply it to meet real-world needs.
Advanced Sensory and Dimensional Attributes:
The Intermediate CRV course introduces method enhancements which will allow the viewer to access and report with much greater detail.
Identifying Physical Relationships:
Physical relationships are somewhat harder to access and describe accurately than the more simple absolutes. Methods for in-session access of incoming information for these relationships are stressed.
Conceptual Aspects of the Target (purpose/use/etc.):
More complex aspects of a target are explored at this level. Methods to determine conceptual aspects of a site such as its purpose, use, category (religious, scientific, industrial), involvement in and with other targets, etc. The student is introduced to methods for gleaning this type of information within a CRV session.
Movement in Time (Future/Past) and Space / Movement
to Related Sites:
Movement in time and space, using a designated target site as the starting point, opens controlled remote viewing to an enormous wealth of additional information. Methodology is taught using only sites which will provide provable feedback for training. Once the techniques are mastered, the student is able to develop personal methods which allow for the acquisition of more esoteric information, as desired.
Humans (Emotions, Reasons, Motives, Feelings, Plans,
Intentions, etc.):
These most complex, fleeting, and nebulous aspects of human existence are dealt with as are the methods used to access them. Methods which can be used to prevent the viewer from being influenced by the target person's imagination and emotions are also integrated into this portion of the training.
In-session analysis:
Using the logical conscious mind for analysis of the session while using the intuitive subconscious mind for viewing is an extremely difficult task, requiring the viewer to separate the jobs to each one. In-session analysis is trained which allows the viewer to break out the kernels of truth which causes the imagination to develop false pictures. Breaking out the information behind symbolic perceptions is also covered, along with a process for going back in session to break out those perceptions which you got but for one reason or another, didn't declare or write down.