The Basic Controlled Remote Viewing Course

Topics Covered:
Theory and Structure of the RV Method:
An overview of the CRV method, its uses, potentials, and limitations.
Conduct of and Standardized Procedures for the
CRV Session:
The highly structured and carefully controlled methodology is introduced step by step by guiding the student through actual sessions against real, progressively more complex targets.
Determining Real Perception from Imagination:
The hardest problem faced by the Controlled Remote Vieweris that of distinguishing between actual target information and his/her own imagination, logic, and wishful thinking. These problems and their solutions are covered, providing the student with supervised practice and preparation for later unsupervised work.
Basic Sensory and Dimensional Attributes:
The student is trained to acquire these forms of information as if he/she were actually at the selected target site.
Sketching (general shapes/sizes):
Oddly enough, the person who "can't draw a straight line" often performs better at this task. Added instruction for more experienced artists teaches them to separate actual target information from creative imagination during the sketching process.
The CRV monitor's job is to keep the viewer adhering to the scientific process. The monitor is a very important part of the CRV process. The problem is that when people return home, they will not have a monitor. Therefore, monitoring training is incorporated into the Basic-level training and the viewer is trained to act as his/her own monitor after the class.
Unreported or improperly reported information has no value. Methods for insuring that the reporting is accurate and true to the session's content are reinforced from the first introductory session.
Feedback, Self Evaluation & Analysis:
Acceptable scientific methods for evaluation by self and others for the use of continued self-improvement are covered.
Database Organization and Maintenance:
The student is introduced to the CRV database. Students are encouraged to continue sharing data to a nation-wide CRV database, used for analyzing the viewer's data and identifying his/her strengths and weaknesses. The database forms a "viewer track record" which then acts as documentation for specifically requested jobs and validating a viewer's abilities.