IAB Sequence

When a viewer makes an ideogram, he must then analyze its component parts, one by one, to figure out what the subconscious mind is trying to tell him. This is done in a two-step process, labeled step A and step B.
The "A" part of the process lists the shape of that component (such as "wavy" and the feel of that component part of the ideogram. The feel component means the feel of the line on the paper. It does NOT mean the feel of anything at the target. Believe it or not, through proper training, the subconscious mind is capable of assigning a tactile feeling to an ideogram in such a way that the component part can feel smooth, rough, scratchy, etc. on the paper. The viewer, then, identifies the component as "wavy and smooth" (shape and feel). Through training and repetition, the viewer has learned that "wavy and smooth" means "water". "Wavy and gritty" may mean sand dunes. "Wavy and hard" may means something else. In this awy, a shape and tactile language develops between the viewer's conscious and subconscious minds so they can communicate with one another about real-world things.
The "B" part of the IAB process is a simple guess as to what the gestalt of that component of the ideogram stands for. In other worde, a simple wavy line may cause the viewer to write:
A: wavy
B: Water.
The complete Ideogram/A/B sequence constitutes Phase 1 of a CRV session.