The Child Genius

The Analogy:
Almost every teacher knows of a student who is head and shoulders more intelligent than his/her classmates, but can't fit in, can't behave, and generally fails at everything.
Mensa, the high-IQ society has members who are in poverty, in prison, and who are lonely and social misfits.
The lives of a good percentage of the children of the old radio show, "The Whiz Kids" wound up in tragedy, poverty, or despair.
Being smart doesn't mean that you are rich or happy or successful. It only means that you are smart.
But, there are a thousand other stories of a child genius failing at everything until he/she finds that one thing which "turns the light on". After that, the child grows to be great.
As a child, Albert Einstein failed math in school, but went on to be one of the greatest theoretical mathematicians of all history.
One of the biggest problems a child genius faces is having to fit into a world which, at its best is not very smart at all. To them, the idiocy and boredom of the world about them causes a misery which is life-deadening. But, when you take one of those extremely intelligent people and put them to doing something that is interesting to them, they excel at it. They find in that thing a mental home - a place where they belong. Once that interest is found and the opportunity given for them to follow that interest, there is no stopping them.
The Meaning of the Analogy:
The subconscious mind has always gotten a bum rap when it comes to the question of maturity. People always say that it is a child and must be treated like a child. So, they treat it like a child and then wonder why it acts like one. They keep treating it like a child all their lives, and never let it become mature, able to handle responsibilities or make decisions on its own. Then, they wonder why it reacts to everything in secret and with no logic, but only emotions. In many ways, it is a child, but only because we keep it that way. In reality, it is a child genius.
As a student of Controlled Remote Viewing practices and practices, for what can seem an endless number of practice sessions, the subconscious mind learns to have a role in life. It learns new responsibilities, but it also learns that it has new rights. Your conscious mind will decide that some perception goes into one column, and the subconscious will, sometimes without you realizing it, cause you to write it in the proper column, instead. There are times when it gets bored and starts playing tricks on you, sometimes with the use of misspellings or double entendres. Sometimes, in its boredom, it will simply start a song going in your head which drives you crazy through the session, but which contains the information for which you are looking, nonetheless. In other words, the child genius is bored with you and with the process and the types of targets, and the whole thing. It wants to do more and until it gets to do more, it will just sit around causing trouble and getting into mischief.
But when the day comes that it is called into serious business, it jumps to the front and really shines. That is when it shows you how smart it is, how fast it is, and how good it is.
Many of the methodologies in the field of Parapsychology fail when put to the test. They seem to work fine when there are no controls around, but under fire, or in laboratory situations, they fail miserably. Not so with Controlled Remote Viewing. When you are called on to work, say, a case for the police, for the military, for a corporation, where millions of dollars rest on the outcome, or any critical situation of the sort, the subconscious mind of a Controlled Remote Viewer shines and can really strut its stuff.
I had once been "in a slump" for over a month. I couldn't remote view my way out of a paper bag, if you left the top open. Then, one day, I was called on to do a "dog & pony show" for a very high-ranking group in Washington, D.C. I was under the gun to do a good job, and a tremendous number of very important governmental decisions depended on my answers. I was certain that I would fail, but to my surprise, I did one of the best sessions I had ever done. Then, I returned to the office, only to finish out another month in my "slump", working practice targets.
One of the major differences between CRV and other forms of Parapsychology is that it trains the subconscious mind of the viewer to have rights and responsibilities, and expects it to grow up and no longer be a child. Practice sessions, then, are required so the subconscious can learn what it needs. It is a good sign when it gets bored and starts playing tricks on the viewer. That means that it is gaining independence, flexing its muscles and exercising its rights. Treasure those sessions. They are indicators that your child genius is growing up.
I send a cover page out to viewers whenever I send them practice
targets. At the bottom, in large letters, it gives a reminder:
The purpose of a practice session is not to learn something about the target. The purpose of a practice session is to learn something about yourself.