A Bug on the Pond of Time

The Analogy:
Let's say that you are a bug sitting on the Pond of Time, and that you are hungry. You look across the pond and see, far across the pond, another bug sitting idly beside a rock. You think that it would make a good meal, so you begin skimming across the pond toward it.
But, in the process of making your way toward the bug, you set up a wake before you and the distant bug, sensing the disturbance in the water, flies away.
You arrive at the rock where the bug used to be, only to find that it is no longer there. It was there, but now it isn't. But the rock still is.
The The Meaning of the Analogy:
Just as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle states that the observations of an experimenter will effect the experiment, it is also true that the observations of a viewer cannot help but affect the thing being viewed - at least in some very miniscule way. For some aspects of the target, the very act of viewing a future event, person, or location will cause those aspects to change. In a very real way, remote viewing through time sets up disturbances in time, and some aspects of the target site which is sensitive to that may take action to change things. Some things, like the rock in the analogy, will not change, no matter how much you view it or even try consciously to change it. But other things in the future can be changed, either by accident or with intention.
However, the most immediate thing on most people's minds, when they relate to this analogy is the first bug's hunger. When people set out to view the future, they want to win the lottery, know what the stock market will do tomorrow, predict the right home to buy or the right time to take a vacation. They do a remote viewing session and come away from it, having done everything correctly, with the feeling - the certainty - that what they have seen across the Pond of Time is actually there. Then, they wait until they get there, only to find that it isn't. A feeling of failure sets in, and soon, their viewing is beset with doubts and even the expectations of failure. "The future can't be viewed", they declare. "Remote Viewing the future is not accurate." they tell everyone.
It is perhaps one of the great paradoxes of remote viewing that the better you view the future, the more effect you will have on it, and the more some aspects of it will change. Many times, the very act of getting information about the future changes the future to make the viewer's information incorrect. But, like in the analogy, it doesn't mean that that future was not there at the time the process started. The viewing across the pond of time was accurate when it was done. The fact that the future changed because of the viewing does not mean that the process failed.
Once you understand this principle, you learn that a future which was once there may no longer be. You also learn that the future can be changed. "The future isn't what it used to be!" is an old, but true saying. You quit blaming yourself for failure and learn to do repeated sessions on future events, not to get an average of the findings, but to keep track of what changes are made as you view them. In effect, you learn that sessions done on future targets have to be updated periodically to keep track of the changes which will normally occur.
Of course, the analogy continues with the fact that the closer you get to the other bug, the more it can feel the wake of your coming, and the more prone it is to fly away. Many people think that the close future is easier to view more accurately, but that is only true at the point where you are so close that the easily changeable things in the future do not have time to change very much. So, predicting the numbers which will show up on a lottery ball is easy to do mere seconds before the ball is drawn, but by then, there is not time left to bet on the number.
But remember that there are rocks in the Pond of Time , as well, and that they remain unchanged. It is these types of targets for which predictive remote viewing has a constant and dependable reliability.
The trick for remote viewers is in learning what types of targets are "bugs" and what types of targets are "rocks" in the Pond of Time.
A Ramification of this theory:
Many people think that if you change one little thing, the future curves off into a new direction and everything is changed forever. Some people like to even believe that you have started a "new reality", although I personally find such a god-like power to be lacking in myself and others I know. The analogy of the rock in the Pond of Time indicates that there are "rocks" in the future which will not change, no matter how hard we try to move or change them. Therefore, if you make a change in one little thing, the immediate future might curve off in some new direction, but it will curve inextricably back to the next immovable and unchangeable rock in time.