TARGET 061115
The Ancient Ruins of Petra
Al Khazneh - The Treasury

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Al Khazneh (The Treasury) is one of the most elaborate buildings in the ancient city of Petra in Jordan. The building is carved out of sandstone and is a popular tourist attraction. It is called the treasury because for a long time, bedouins who lived in that area believed that the urn on top of the building contained valuable treasures. Factually speaking however, it appears that the building isn't actually a treasury, but a temple of some kind.

The entrance to the treasury is through a long, dark, rock passage called al-Siq (meaning the shaft).


Petra is an archaeological site in Jordan, lying in a basin among the mountains which form the eastern flank of Wadi Araba, the great valley running from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba. It is famous for having many stone structures carved into the rock.

Main Street

As many as 30,000 people may have lived in Petra during the 1st century A.D. It is a misconception that Petra was a city only for the dead. A large earthquake in 363 A.D. destroyed at least half of the city. Petra never recovered from this destruction.

The Monastery

The Monastery is the largest tomb façade in Petra, measuring 50 m wide and 45 m high. Despite its name, it was built as a tomb monument and may have acquired its name from the crosses inscribed inside. Like the Kazneh, the structure consists of two stories topped by a magnificent urn. The architectural detail of the Kazneh is not evident in this building.

Monastery Top

Scholars debate who the designers and builders of the tombs of Petra were. They were probably the product of local workers and artisans brought in from Alexandria and Rome. The monuments are Nabatean in style, but they incorporate classical, Egyptian and Mesopotamian elements.

Feedback map

Feedback map

  1. Djin Blocks
  2. Obelisk Tomb
  3. Al-Siq
  4. The Treasury
  5. Street of Facades
  6. The Theater
  7. Aneisho Tomb
  8. Urn Tomb
  9. Silk Tomb
  10. Corinthian Tomb
  11. Palace Tomb
  12. Sextus Florentinus Tomb
  13. House of Dorotheos
  14. The Nymphaeum
  15. Colonnaded Street
  16. Byzantine Church
  17. Winged Lion Temple
  18. The Arched Gate
  19. Qasr Al-Bint
  20. Unfinished Tomb
  21. Al-Habees Museum
  22. Petra Archeological Museum
  23. Lion Triclinium
  24. Al-Deir
  25. urkmanian Tomb
  26. Conway Tower
  27. Moghar Annassara
  28. High Palace of Sacrifice
  29. Lion Monumen
  30. Garden Temple Complex
  31. Triclinium
  32. Renaissance Tomb
  33. Broken Pediment Tomb
  34. Roman Soldier Tomb
  35. Snake Monument
  36. Crusader Fort

Information for this target was obtained from the following sites, where further feedback information can be obtained:

Our sincere thanks to Ray McClure for the research and development of this target.